
  • Textbook
    • Operating Systems Concepts(9th Edition) - Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne

What is an Operating System?

Theoretical Location of the OS

  • A software layer between the hardware and the application programs/users which provides a virtual machine interface
  • A resource manager allows programs/users to share the hardware resources
  • A set of utilities to simplify application development and execution

  • The abstract view of a computer system

Abstract View of the components of a Computer System

  • The users interface with the system and applications
  • The operating system manages the applications and the resources the applications use
  • The OS also manages the connection to the computer hardware which executes specific operations for the high level applications to work

  • Benefits of an OS for application writers
    • Easy to write programs
    • Using high level abstractions instead of low level hardware details
      • Files instead of disk blocks
  • Benefits of an OS for standard users
    • Easier to use the computers
      • Everyone who uses the computer do not need to be knowledgeable about computer hardware
    • Safety
      • It protects programs from each other
      • It also protects uses from each other
  • Mechanisms - data structures and operations that implement an abstraction(e.g. buffer cache)
  • Policies - the procedures that guides the selection of a certain course of action among alternatives(e.g. the replacement policy for the buffer cache)

  • Virtual machine abstractions
    • Process - system abstraction - illusion of being the only job executing in the system
    • Threads - CPU abstraction - illusion of having a dedicated CPU
    • Virtual Memory - memory abstraction - illusion of having unlimited memory
    • File System - storage abstraction - illusion of structured, persistent storage system
    • Messaging - communication abstraction - illusion of reliable, ordered communication
    • Character and block devices - I/O abstraction - standardized I/F for devices

    • Major Issues in OS design
      • Performance - How to make it run fast?
      • Reliability - How do we keep it from crashing?
      • Persistence
      • Accounting
      • Distribution
      • Scaling

Computer Architecture Refresher

  • How a processor executes instructions
    • Fetches instructions
    • Processes data using ALU’s
    • The operating system manages the CPU(processor)
    • How it executes programs
      • Fetch - using fetching unit(if multiple fetching units, then we can fetch multiple instructions at once)
      • Decode
      • Execute
      • Memory
      • Write-back

The Program Counter

  • Where the “next instruction” is held in the machine
  • In a special memory cell in the CPU, called the program counter (PC)


  • Architecture Rule : Large memories are slow and smaller ones are faster
  • Most programs work on only small chunks of memory in a given time period. This is called locality
  • Most CPU’s have 16-32 general purpose registers
  • Operands and destination can be in
    • Registers only
    • Registers & 1 memory operand
    • Any combinations of registers and memory

Process Management

  • A process is a program in execution. It is a unit of work within the system. Program is a passive entity, process is an active entity.
  • Typically a system has many processes, some user, some operating system running concurrently on one or more CPU’s

Memory Indirection

  • How do we access array elements efficiently if all we can do is name a cell?
    • Modify the operand to allow for fetching and operand “through” a memory location
  • This is called indirection

Abstracting the machine

  • Bare hardware provides a computation device
    • How can multiple uses share the expensive hardware between themselves?
    • Answer: Software is to give the illusion of having it all to yourself while actually sharing it with others.
  • This software is the Operating System.


  • A way that the user can legitimately access kernel processes(such as init)
  • This is also the basis of a system call
    • Interaction between the user and kernel is done via system calls. Each system call is providing one defined service. The user sends the service name (usually a number) and the required parameters.

System calls

  • Programming interface to the services provided by the OS
  • Typically written in a high-level language (C or C++)
  • Mostly accessed by programs via a high-level Application Programming Interface(API)
  • The OS will transform certain commands, such as fread and fwrite, into the system calls of read and write


  • Force the CPU back into system mode if the user program is off computing something
  • An external event which causes the CPU to jump to a known address
  • Types of Interrupts
    • Hardware - Generated by hardware devices(e.g. keystrokes for user, or data on Ethernet card)
    • Software - Generated by programs when they want to request a system call to be done
    • Traps - Generated by the CPU to indicate some error or condition, where the OS is needed
  • Interrupts are commonly used for polling the system hardware(e.g. registers, input, screen, etc.)

Examples and classifications of interrupts

  • Interrupts(Hardware & Software)
    • Hardware Interrupts
      • I/O
      • Network
      • Failures
    • Traps
      • Software - system calls
      • Normal Operations - multi-programming Operations
      • OS needs
      • Multi-layer requirements
    • Exceptions
      • Division by 0
      • Wrong memory access

Input and Output

  • To get user input and display output to the user
  • A network card(example of an I/O device) - has 2 registers
    • A store into the “transmit” register sends the byte over wire
      • Often written as “TX”
    • A load from the “receive” register reads the last byte which was read from the wire
      • Often written as “RX”
  • These registers are said to be memory-mapped
    • This allows the CPU to access the registers
  • Reserving specific registers for devices has 2 uses
    • Allows protected access - Only the OS can access the device
    • OS can control devices and move data to/from devices using regular load and store instructions
  • This is called Programmed I/O - having dedicated registers per device where the OS can interact with the device. The CPU polls to check the status registers to see an input or output.

Status Registers

  • A status register holds the state of the last I/O register
  • The network card has 1 status register
    • To transmit, the OS writes a byte into TX and changes bit 0 of the status register to 1
    • When the card receives a byte, it puts the byte in RX and sets bit 1 of the status register back to 0

Input driven I/O

  • Polling can waste many CPU cycles -> a way to solve this is to use interrupts
    • The CPU does not have to check every time for input or Output
    • When the machine gets an input or output, the device can call an interrupt
  • Interrupts have a high overhead
    • Stop the processor
    • Figure out what caused the interrupt
    • Save the user state
    • Process Request
  • Interrupts take several instructions(overhead), but take less CPU cycles. Polling takes more CPU cycles, but takes less instructions(overhead)

Direct Memory Access(DMA)

  • Problem with programmed I/O : the CPU must load/store all the data into device registers
  • Solution: Add more hardware to allow the device to read and write memory just like the CPU
  • PIO has less overhead than DMA, however DMA is more efficient at moving data
  • The DMA will cause an interrupt when the CPU is needed

Difference between DMA and PIO

  • In PIO the CPU polls the status register to see when it is needed, however the DMA will not need polling and cause an interrupt when it needs the CPU

How the machine boots

  • The process of starting the OS is called booting
  • Boot protocol in modern machines is a 3-stage process
    1. CPU starts executing from a fixed address
    2. Firmware loads the boot loader - ROM contains the “boot” code
    3. Boot loader loads the OS

Microkernel System Structure

  • Moves as much from the kernel to user space
  • Mach is an example of Microkernel
    • Mac OS X kernel is partially based on Mach
  • Communication takes place between user modules using message passing

Operating System Services

  • Program Execution
  • I/O Operations
  • File Systems
  • Communication
  • Resource Allocation
  • Accounting
  • Error Detection
  • Protection and Security
  • GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  • CLI (Command Line Interface)
  • Batch


  • Many modern Operating Systems implement loadable kernel modules

Memory allocation

  • When a program is put in the “ready” queue for the OS, the OS will allocate and make the program into a process
    • The difference between a program and a process is that, a program is a set of instructions, but a process is running and has memory allocated to it which it is executing the lines of the program
  • Each variable must be assigned a storage class
  • Global (static) Variables
    • Allocated in the “Globals” region at compile
  • Method local variables and parameters
    • Allocate on stack
  • Dynamically created objects
    • Allocate from heap
    • Objects live beyond invocation of a method if the memory is not freed
    • Garbage collected when no longer “living”
  • The pointer to the next instruction to be executed is stored in a special register called PC(Program Counter)
    • Variables are also cached in registers


  • What is a Process?
    • A system abstraction for the set of resources required for executing a program
    • A running instance of a program
  • The OS maintains the process state per process:
    • Identification: processes, parent, user, group, etc.
    • Execution Contexts: registers, Threads
    • Address Space: Virtual Memory
    • I/O State: file handles(file system), communication endpoints(network), etc.
    • Accounting Information
  • For each process, the state is maintained in a process control block(PCB)
    • This is just data in the OS data space
    • The process control block can also be called a Process Table

Process Creation

  • How to create a process?
    • System call - fork();
  • In UNIX, a process can create another process using the fork() system call
    • An example of the fork command is
//Creates a new process
//Fork returns the Program ID of the child process to the parent process
int pid = fork();
  • The creating process is called the parent and the new process is called the child
    • The fork will return the PID of the child process to the parent and will return a 0 to the newly created process
  • The child process is created as a copy of the parent process(process image and process control structure) except for the identification and scheduling state
    • The parent and the child processes run in two different address spaces
    • By default, the memory is not shared between parent and child
    • Process creation is expensive because of this copying of the parent process
  • The exec() call is provided for the newly created process to run a different program than that of the parent
    • The exec() command is a system call to issue a command for the process to run
  • Example code in C using fork()
  get_command(command, parameters);

  if(fork() != 0){  //Parent
  }else{            //Child
    exec(command, parameters);
  • One process can wait for another process to finish by using the wait() system call
  • In the program above, the main function gets a command, and then spawns a process to execute the command
    • The wait(&status) line forces the parent to wait for the child to finish before the parent finishes


  • User programs can invoke OS services by notifying by using system calls
  • What if the program wants the OS to notify it asynchronously when some event occurs?
    • Signals - UNIX mechanism for OS to notify a user program when an event of interest occurs
  • When an event of interest occurs
    • Kernel handles it first
    • Then modifies the process’s stack to look as if the process’s code made a procedure call to the signal handler
    • Puts an activation record on the user-level stack corresponding to the event handler
  • When the user process is scheduled next it executes the handler first
  • From the handler the user process returns to where it was when the event occurred


  • Short term scheduler - CPU scheduler - selects which process should be executed next and allocates CPU
    • Sometimes the only scheduler in a system
    • Short-term scheduler is invoked frequently
  • Long term scheduler - Job scheduler - selects which processes should be brought into the ready queue
    • Long term scheduler is invoked infrequently
    • The long term scheduler controls the degree of multi-programming
    • Strives for a good mix of types of processes
  • Types of Process can be described as either:
    • I/O bound processes - spends more time doing I/O than computations, many short CPU bursts
    • CPU-bound processes - spends more time doing computations, very few long CPU bursts

Process Termination

  • Some operating systems, don’t allow children to exist if it’s parent has terminated
    • Done through cascading termination - all children and sub-children are terminated
  • Sometimes, parent process can finish and exit before the child if a wait statement is not used
    • This creates a zombie process - a process that was never properly terminated
  • To kill a process, we can use the kill() command by giving it the PID of the process to kill